The first woman: Eve or Lilith?

Adam and Eve are firmly accepted in Abrahamic Religions to be the first man and woman ever created. It is widely believed that Eve was created by God from Adam's rib. However, in some Jewish folklore, Lilith is assumed to be Adam's first wife and is believed that she was created by God from the same clay from which Adam was created. She is assumed to be mentioned in the Book of Isaiah 34:14. In Jewish mythology, she is recognized as a demonic figure as she went against God's plan and left the Garden of Eden because of her issues with Adam. 

Lilith (Credits)

Lilith did not submit to her husband's commands and left the Garden and settled near the Red Sea. She was demonized as she turned her back towards the Creator. God upon noticing that Adam felt lonely, created a new wife, Eve from Adam's rib. Eve submitted to her husband's command. Upon seeing, Adam and Eve living happily in the Garden of Eden, Lilith became envious. She turned into a serpent and forced Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden fruit which resulted in the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden. 

Modern-day feminists see Lilith as a courageous figure who stood for her rights and equality against Adam. 

However, the existence of Lilith is not found anywhere in the Christian Bible and the Quran. Eve is believed to be the first woman ever created.