Prophet Muhammad might have met the Antichrist

Antichrist is a common figure between Christianity and Islam. Termed as 'the greatest trial for mankind', Antichrist has been prophesied by all of the Prophets till date (Prophet Noah to Prophet Muhammad). As said in the both Islamic and Christian narrative that Antichrist will appear in the end times, there might be a possibility that Antichrist lived throughout Prophet's lifetime on Earth. We get this idea from an event that took place during Prophet Muhammad's lifetime.

An imaginary sketch of Dajjal

Ibn Sayyad's character was very mysterious. He lived in Medina during Prophet Muhammad's lifetime. Many of the companions of Prophet believed Ibn Sayyad was Antichrist to the extent that, once companion Omar asked Prophet to allow him to kill Ibn Sayyad. Prophet replied that if Ibn Sayyad is Dajjal then you won't be able to kill him. Nobody exactly knew where Ibn Sayyad came from however, Ibn Sayyad's mother was also present in Medina. Ibn Sayyad also had children. Ibn Sayyad had much common with that of Dajjal but there were a lot of differences such as appearance and Dajjal's inability to enter in Makkah and Medina.

The hatred of the companions of Prophet towards Ibn Sayyad was justified. On one occasion, when Prophet asked Ibn Sayyad that, do you believe me as Prophet of God to which Ibn Sayyad sarcastically replied that, do you believe me as a Prophet of God. Ibn Sayyad was possibly a Jew but later it is said he accepted Islam. However, his conversion to Islam did not see many companions trusting him as they still believed him to be the Antichrist. The behavior of the companions of Prophet Muhammad towards Ibn Sayyad was based on the evil claims that Ibn Sayyad made. It is reported that he said that he was not the Antichrist but afterwards he said that he wouldn't mind if he was. Again on some other occasion, he said that he was not the Antichrist but afterwards he claimed that he knew the exact location of the Antichrist. These evil comments were the reason that companions of the Prophet Muhammad distanced themselves from him.

It is said that Ibn Sayyad disappeared during Battle of al-Harra. It is not sure whether he was Dajjal or not as Prophet (SAW) didn't tell us so. Apart from being Dajjal or not, some scholars say he might have been some sort of Devil. Only God knows better.